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ParsCo Construction Management Advantages

Posted on by ParsCo Construction
ParsCo Construction Managers in Baldwin County Alabama and Pensacola Florida are the most qualified and best when tackling a project that requires vision, professionalism, and integrity. 

Under a construction management approach to a major building project, professional expertise in the specialized areas of cost estimating, systems analysis, value engineering, “constructability” review scheduling of activities, procurement, and construction coordination and supervision is added to the capabilities of the traditional project team of owner and architect.

Best suited for larger new or renovation projects, the ParsCo Construction Manager is responsible exclusively to the owner and acts in the owner’s interests at every stage of the project. Comprehensive management of every stage of the project, beginning with the original concept and project definition, optimizes the level of comprehensive services and advocacy to the benefit of owners from construction management.

A project using this approach typically has two phases: preconstruction (concurrent with the architect’s design), and construction. In the preconstruction phase, the ParsCo CM provides input to the architect and owner regarding cost estimates, scheduling, constructability, value engineering and general insight. During construction, the ParsCo CM oversees contractors on behalf of the Owner. 

The involvement of a ParsCo construction manager (CM.) during the entire design process as a collaborative yet independent member of the design team helps ensure that every major design decision is balanced by proper analysis of its cost consequences, and impact on project schedule.

The role of the ParsCo construction manager in a building project may vary substantially, and can be performed under a variety of contractual terms. The most traditional, and some would say “purest” form of construction management is that where the C.M. acts as the owner’s agent as a consultant, providing estimating, cost control and scheduling services and undertaking administrative responsibilities during construction. Under this arrangement, all construction contracts would be executed directly between the owner and contractors. This approach may permit the construction work to be broken down into a significantly larger number of trade contracts also, thereby eliminating the need for one or more “general” contractors.

A major benefit to the construction management approach is that, under the disciplined scheduling of the C.M., the project may be phased or “fast-tracked” whereby the design and construction periods are overlapped to permit an earlier start and completion of construction.

Major Advantages

Construction costs are identified and predicted reliably during the design phase. The ParsCo Team interacts relating to construction cost, completion schedule, and quality work to maximize owner’s value. ParsCo C.M. contributes to a synergistic team approach in the owner’s interest.

Value engineering by ParsCo C.M. can be done at this time when it can be implemented into the design. Major design decisions can be made on the basis of complete information.

ParsCo C.M. early involvement facilitates financial planning and avoids potential delays for redesign caused by budget problems recognized too late. All records, books, estimates are “open book”.

Prudent buying and value engineering with trade contractors results in cost savings reverting to owner, not general contractor. Competitive bidding is retained on all work. Flexibility to pre-qualify trade contractors for better control of schedules and costs.

Schedule is controlled during design phase to ensure that design efforts are integrated with construction phase requirements. Facilitates fast track methodology or phased construction providing earlier completion. Cost savings available through earlier start and pre-purchasing. Ability to pre-order long lead items.

Single prime responsibility for construction. No additional owner personnel required to monitor construction.
Contact ParsCo at 850-696-7656 or email us at info@pars-co.net for more information. 

Construction Management

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