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Address: 700 N. Devilliers, Pensacola, FL 32501 - Phone: (850) 696-7656 - info@pars-co.net - License #: CGC1512307

Disaster Response

Posted on by ParsCo Construction

In any disaster, time is of the essence and pro-active planning will speed up the recovery process, limit financial loss, and minimize business interruption.

ParsCo understands the needs of our clients, especially when they have been affected by a natural disaster. ParsCo addresses those times with a sense of urgency, providing our clients with lots of attention and the utmost responsiveness.

Time is of the essence, and a short delay in response can mean all the difference in construction costs, and the client’s ability to function as a business.

Some of the key factors that you should carefully consider when evaluating the ParsCo Disaster Response Team:

1) ParsCo, LLC regularly self performs the following disciplines: Site work, site utilities, framing, drywall, wood trim, painting and plumbing. Self performing some or all of these disciplines has repeatedly allowed us to control project specific issues related to design, schedule, quality control, and cost. This ability to address emergency situations with our own forces is a tremendous advantage in times of emergency or disasters. There is no need to find a subcontractor to perform the work, because we complete these scopes ourselves.

2) ParsCo owns property within the Florida Panhandle with materials and storage available for bulk materials that may be required in time of a disaster. Having the ability to stockpile these materials means no matter what the material shortage may be in the area, we will be ready to address the re‐construction effort without delay.

3) ParsCo has managed single projects as small as $1,000 and as large as $185,000,000. You will get the experience of larger construction firms while receiving services specific to your needs.

Below is a list of items we will ask you to provide ParsCo in order to assist us should the need to utilize our services arise. The following documents will help us gather information about your facilities so we can respond in a timely and efficient manner to minimize loss.

The key to mitigating any type of loss is the ability to react and the ability to react is driven by communication and information.

Below is a list of items we will ask you to provide ParsCo in order
to assist us should the need to utilize our services arise.

SITE PLANS/MAPS (drawings of every building)
Aerial Maps or Key Maps
GPS COORDINATES (street signs are not always left standing)
ROOFS (type of roofs on buildings – i.e. flat roof, etc.)
PRE-PLANNED AGREEMENTS ON GENERATORS, (Admin. Offices, Server, Freezers)
“KEY MASTER” – Someone who can provide us with keys for every door in every building. It is very important that we have instant access. In the past, people who had the keys had evacuated and did not return for several days which delayed the recovery process. If possible, we would like to have a set of keys.
BUILDING PRIORITY LIST (if there is widespread damage, which buildings are most critical to bring back on line first?)
DESIGNATED MEETING PLACE (to meet after storm). Communication may be down for days for storms, including cell phone towers.
COMMAND CENTER – Determine a designated location that could be in place for 60 days, if required. Space would need to be large enough to accommodate large equipment and materials.
Area will need to be on pavement and placed on high ground.
ASBESTOS SURVEYS (of all buildings)
LEAD PAINT SURVEYS (of all buildings)

Questions: info@pars-co.net

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